Ari, a senior, is helping to organize the National School Walkout on March 14th for Montclair High. He and other students have been in conversation with the administration throughout the planning and were asked not to make the walkout political. Ari says the walkout isn’t meant to be political but intends to honor all victims of gun violence. The Parkland shooting came at an emotional time for him, having just heard of a friend’s suicide -- the second friend to commit suicide in the past year. Knowing that nearly two thirds of gun deaths are suicides, Ari celebrates the portion of the Florida bill which helps keep guns out of the hands of those deemed a danger to themselves or others. He hopes that other states will follow suit. His advice to those interested in joining a movement is to read as much as you can and to educate yourself in order to be a good advocate. “Even though you're right to feel like something has to be done, if you don't know the facts and the history behind it you're just going to be shut down.”